Biltmore Estate Wine: winery information

Winemaker: Bernard Delill & Sharon Fenchak
Winemaster Bernard Delille joined Biltmore's Winery in 1986. Delille holds a master’s degree from the Faculty of Science in Lyon, France, and served his internship in the Bordeaux region. He received his French National Diploma of Winemaker in Dijon, Burgundy, and was winemaker in the Pyrenees Atlantiques region prior to coming to Biltmore.
Winemaker Sharon Fenchak joined Biltmore's Winery in 1999. Prior to her work at Biltmore, Fenchak was Winemaker at Chestnut Mountain Winery in Braselton, GA, where she oversaw the wine development process. She holds a master’s degree in food science from the University of Georgia and a bachelor’s degree in food science from Penn State University.
Together, Delille and Fenchak conduct extensive experimentation with different grape varietals, yeast, barrels and new equipment to constantly improve Biltmore wines and help the winery continue to please the ever-changing consumer palette.
The estate’s 94-acre vineyard is located in the “Long Valley” area across the French Broad River from Biltmore House. Chardonnay, Riesling, Viognier, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, and Merlot are grown here. A 35-acre man-made lake provides irrigation for frost control—an ever-present concern each spring since frost occurs in the mountains as late as May 15. In fact, from April 15 to May 15, a time when the vines’ tender shoots are most vulnerable, the vineyard staff goes on frost duty ready to prevent any damage to the developing grapes.
Grape Varieties Planted