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Who are we?

We are an online publication that provides:

  • a comprehensive source of information on North American wines and wineries
  • third-party evaluation of wines, through our unique Best-of-Appellation program
  • a large archive of feature articles by some of the best wine writers of the U.S. and Canada
  • the ability to buy wines directly from wineries in our Direct-Marketing Program

Why we're unique

We celebrate the diversity in wine that arises from each distinctive wine growing area — or appellation — and we are the driving force of a movement to identify the defining characteristics of North America's appellations.

Information resources on our site

In addition to wine articles, Best-of-Appellation results and editors' wine picks, we offer reference information on:

Direct-from-winery sales

We also provide a direct pathway to the online stores of wineries that participate in our Direct-Marketing Partnership program. (Interested wineries may join here.)

More about appellations

In the global wine culture, wines are known first by their specific place of origin (appellation), then by producer and grape variety. In North American wine culture, appellation identity and consciousness has been the great unfinished business. With over 300 officially designated wine-growing regions in North America, few appellations have garnered sufficient public recognition. Now, with our efforts, that is changing.

In our Best-of-Appellation program, a panel of wine experts evaluates wines on an appellation-by-appellation basis to objectively assess and define the characteristics of each appellation. We are compiling this information into a "Blue Book" on appellation characteristics that will be continually updated and refined as we evaluate new wines. Wines considered to best represent an appellation are elevated to "Best-of-Appellation" Gold and Double Gold status. Our evaluations also produce Tasting Notes for each BOA-evaluated wine and these (which are great reading, by the way!) can be seen on our wine lists.


The marks APPELLATION AMERICA, Building APPELLATION CONSCIOUSNESS in North America and the content and appearance of this Web site are the exclusive property of, or are subject to licenses held by Appellation America Inc. and are subject to trademark, service mark, trade dress and unfair competition protection. Other trademarks, brand names, company names and logos used on this Web site are the property of their respective owners.

All materials on this site, including but not limited to all content, graphics, code and software used on or incorporated into this site, and the arrangement or integration of all such content, graphics, code and software, are subject to copyrights held by or licensed to Appellation America Inc., and all rights thereto are specifically reserved.

Except as expressly authorized, or allowed under the fair use doctrine, the use or misuse of any trademarks, trade names, logos, images, graphics or content from this Web site is strictly prohibited.

However, on request, the Managing Editor generally grants permission for NON-Commercial reproduction of content and graphics in excess of "fair use" measures, with appropriate attribution. Commercial use (via linking) or reproduction in any form associated with a commercial venture, either directly or indirectly, is strictly prohibited, unless transacted under license.

Contact Us

Appellation America is NOT a winery or spokesman for any of the wineries catalogued on this website. Questions or comments about individual wineries or products should be directed to the winery itself. Winery phone numbers are given on each winery's listing on the website.

Appellation America (US) Inc.
51 S Newport Drive
Napa, CA 94559

Tel: 302-588-4055

Company contacts:

President:Roger King   r.king@appellationamerica.com

Subscriptions subscriptions@appellationamerica.com

Best-of-Appellation Program: Barbara Trigg, BOA Program Coordinator
Wineries: enquiries regarding your listing on Appellation America:

General enquiries:*info@appellationamerica.com
* only for Appellation America (please contact wineries directly)

Appellation America’s founders and visionaries were:
Roger Dial and Adam Dial