Trecini Cellars
2360-A2 Mendocino Ave #395 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 United States
Phone (707) 528-8686 Fax (707) 528-2601
Trecini Cellars is a family owned and managed winery that uses traditional methods of wine making handed down through the generations from Italy. These gold medal winning wines are highly regarded for their smoothness and outstanding quality. Without a doubt, the wine speaks for itself.
This winery’s map location has been determined using Geocoding Mapping Technology, based on winery address data. If you plan to visit Trecini Cellars, please contact the winery to confirm location.
Visiting the Winery
At this time we don't have a tasting room, but can recommend several places that carry our wine or restaurants that serve it by the glass and are happy to do a tasting with you! Just email us and we will be happy to make arrangements for you.
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Appellation Information
Trecini Cellars is located in the
Sonoma County Appellation.
Trecini Cellars also produces wines from the following appellation(s);
Dry Creek Valley, Rockpile, Russian River Valley.