Markko Vineyard
4500 South Ridge Rd. Conneaut, OH 44030 United States
Phone 440-593-3197 Alternate Phone 800-252-3197 Fax 440-599-7022
Email the Winery
“The wine speaks for itself” So as winegrowers of Chardonnay, Johannisberg Riesling, Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir each vintage challenges the quest for fine quality in this great Lake Erie appellation. We believe wine is a food, both healthy and nutritious, to be drunk with meals, and the beverage of moderation, not to be abused.
This winery’s map location has been determined using Geocoding Mapping Technology, based on winery address data. If you plan to visit Markko Vineyard, please contact the winery to confirm location.
Visiting the Winery
You are invited to come, bring your friends and taste for yourself - share the search for true Lake Erie character.
Tasting and sales daily except Sunday, 11 AM to 6 PM. Appointments recommended. We offer a little bread, crackers and cheese. You may bring your own snacks.
e-mail markko@suite224.net. You may order on-line at the website with daily UPS pickups. MC/Visa accepted.
Featured Wine
Appellation Information
Markko Vineyard is located in the
Lake Erie Appellation.
Markko Vineyard also produces wines from the following appellation(s);
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